Latest Setup 29-May-2020
250mm (10") SkyWatcher Quattro 250P f/4 Newtonian
on EQ6 Synscan mount. Losmandy dovetail for extra stiffness.
Full ASCOM control including motorised focus.
80mm (3") refractor as autoguider. USB hub on mount.
Altair-Astro StarWave 102-ED f/7 refractor (4")
ZWO Seestar S50
Earlier setups
6" f/8 and 4" f/5 refractors on EQ6 on tripod
6" and 4" refractors on EQ6 on early version of pier
Previous 10 f/4.5 Newtonian reflector
(origin of optics and tube unknown, part home made)

(2009 pictures with Meade 6x30 finder, single speed focuser
and temporary counterweight system, all subsequently upgraded)
10" Newtonian on EQ6 mount
10" Newtonian on EQ6 mount (with Squeak the Guinea Pig watching!)