See the
Hampshire Astronomical Group (HAG) website
for details of
HAG telescopes referenced in images.
My Equipment
SkyWatcher Quattro 250P (10" f/4 Newtonian reflector):
SkyWatcher 80T f/5 guide scope
Motorised focuser
Orion 9x50 Finder
Altair-Astro StarWave 102-ED f/7 refractor (4")
with Planostar 2" 0.8x Flattener/Reducer (to f/5.6)
SkyWatcher 102 (4") f/5 Refractor
SkyWatcher 150 (6") f/8 Refractor
Revelation Dual Speed Crayford Focuser
Swallow 60mm (2.4") Terrestrial spotter scope
(18x - 60x zoom)
SkyWatcher EQ6 mount with SkyScan GOTO drives
(with ASCOM control interface)
Interchangeable Tripod or Pier mounting
Losmandy dovetail upgrade
Eyepieces etc.
2" Televue Nagler 13mm
2" UltraWide 30mm
2" Revelation 26mm
2" Revelation 2x Barlow
2" Skywatcher F/4 Aplanatic Super Coma Corrector (for Quattro)
1.25" Rigel 18mm Wide angle Plossl eyepiece
1.25" Meade 4000 Series 6.4mm Super Plossl
1.25" Meade 4000 Series 9mm Illuminated Reticule Plossl
1.25" SkyWatcher 25mm & 10mm eyepieces
1.25" SkyWatcher 7-22mm Zoom eyepiece
1.25" Revelation Astro 5x Barlow
1.25" Antares 1.5x & 2x Barlow
1.25" Antares 0.5x focal reducer
Revelation Laser Collimator
Camera equipment
ZWO ASI183MM mono cooled CMOS imaging camera
ZWO ASI120MC colour planetary imaging camera
SBIG ST-8300M mono cooled CCD imaging camera
Altair GPCAM1 130 mono guide camera
Starlight Express Lodestar guide camera
Canon 700D DSLR (18MP) with 1.25" and 2" T-adaptors
18-270mm zoom lens for above
Nikon D80 DSLR (10MP) DSLR
Logitech C600 Webcam (2MP)
Phillips SPC900NC Webcam (0.3MP)
Starlight Express 7 position USB filter holder with:
Baader 35mm R, G, B, L, Hα, OIII, SII filters
Star Analyser 100 diffraction grating (for imaging spectra)
Astronomik CLS clip filter for Canon DSLR
2" OVL light pollution filter
1.25" Astronomik CLS light pollution filter
1.25" Baader High Contrast filter
102mm Baader Film solar filter:
(Home made for SkyWatcher 102 - full aperture
with adapters use with 6" and 10" telescopes)
Finder Scopes
Meade 6x30 Finder
Orion 9x50 Finder
Red dot finder
(with telescope control using EQASCOM/StellariumScope)
Cartes du Ciel
(with telescope control using EQASCOM)
SharpCap Pro
APT - Astro Photography Tool
Corel Paint Shop Pro
Adobe Photoshop CS6
RSpec (Real time Spectroscopy)
Virtual Moon Atlas