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Steve's Astro Photos

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NGC 2371
in Gemini
NGC 2371 planetary nebula in Gemini
HAG 24" RC reflector. Canon 5D Mk II
20 x 1min @ ISO 6400
2024-02-26 @ 22:01 UT
Moon with
Moon from Queen Elizabeth Country Park with ZWO Seestar S50
taken during South Downs National Park Dark Skies Featival
ZWP Seestar S50
auto exposure
2024-02-15 @ 17:36 UT
M42. First deep sky image with ZWO Seestar S50
Good image despite full moon and focus could be better
ZWO Seestar S50
3 minutes
Full image here
2024-01-26 @ 21:28 UT
186 Spectra
of Planetary
Planetary Nebulae Spectra
Latest image : NGC2371
All taken using the HAG 24" RC 'David Harris' telescope, Lhires III spectroscope, 300gr/mm. Analysis with RSpec software.
Camera and other details on images. Most spectra have light pollution subtracted.
2023-2-26 @ 22:01 UT
R Aquarii
R Aquarii is an unusual object in the constellation of Aquarius
Background information and spectra
2023-12-29 @ 19:30 UT
SS433 Microquasar in Aquila
A very unusual binary system. Spectra taken show short period changes.
2023-09-05 @ 21:14 UT
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in Auriga
Brightest star is ω Aurigae Vmag 5.0
HAG 24" RC, f/7.8, Canon 5D II
35sec @ ISO 6400
2023-02-07 @ 18:39 UT
30 Spectra
of Wolf-Rayet
Wolf-Rayet Star Spectra
Latest image: WR142
All taken using the HAG 24" RC 'David Harris' telescope, Lhires III spectroscope, 300gr/mm
SBIG STF-8300M Camera, Analysis with RSpec software. Details on images.
2022-08-27 @ 22:32 UT
Campbell's Hydrogen Star is an unusual object in the constellation of Cygnus.
Background information and spectra
2022-08-07 @ 22:53 UT
SS Cygni
SS Cygni, a dwarf nova.
It is a type of cataclysmic variable star which can suddenly increase in brightness at irregular intervals.
HAG 24" RC 'David Harris' telescope, Lhires III spectroscope, 300gr/mm
ZWO ASI2600MM Pro camera. Analysis with RSpec software.
2022-07-29 @ 23:18 UT