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Spectra of Planetary Nebulae

NebulaPK195-00.1RA (J2000)06 18 45.5
ConstellationOrionDec+15 16 52.2
Size (arcsec)67Other namesPK 195-00.1
Mag (V)12.0 (B)V1308 Ori
Surface Brightness (mag/arcsec2)20.6Sh2-266

HAG 24" RC, ZWO ASI2600MM Pro, LHires II, 300gr/mm, 900 sec, 2022-02-26@23:02

DSS2 image, 10 arcmin square
Central star is EM* MWC 137 - Herbig Ae/Be Star
Lower image is intensity expansion of nebula region at a wider scale.
It shows 5 hydrogen Balmer emission lines and nitrogen and helium emission

183 / 187 (pg 151)