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Spectra of Planetary Nebulae

NebulaPK204-03.1RA (J2000)06 23 54.8
ConstellationMonocerosDec+05 30 12.8
Size (arcsec)23Other namesPK 204-03.1
Mag (V)n/aK3-72
Surface Brightness (mag/arcsec2)n/a

HAG 24" RC, ZWO ASI2600MM Pro, LHires II, 300gr/mm, 2 x 1200 sec, 2023-01-21@22:53
Unusually, nitrogen stronger than hydrogen and oxygen, some sulphur

DSS2 image, 10 arcmin square

Of all the spectra of planetary nebulae I have now obtained so far this is the only one with both nitrogen lines giving the strongest signals. All others have either hydrogen or oxygen as the strongest lines. The intense nitrogen emission is responsible for the red colour of the nebula.

Image : DSS2 from Aladin Sky Atlas
FoV 8’ x 8’
186 / 187 (pg 180)